"From Disabilities to Endless Possibilities"
CLEVELAND—Born, and then “unfairly and unprofessionally” delivered, from his mother, he suffered a severe Congenital Upper Extremity birth defect, and after he and his mom both flat lined, (they were both revived) William “Bill” Aden’s life took a turn for the worse on that fateful day in December of 1966. He was practically “folded” (over as stated by one of the physicians), which allowed him a clear passage through his mothers birth canal. These graphic descriptions only scratch the surface of a baby boy born into an extremely tough, and challenging life ahead of him, living in Cleveland Ohio and trying to compete with kids that were born with both limbs that worked in their favor. Bill didn't have that luxury.
IF I CAN—YOU CAN—is a powerful testimony of how one young man refused to let his right, upper shoulder injury stop or even slow him down. A gripping tale of a little kid navigating his way through life with great uncertainty, being counted out, doubted, and in some cases, made fun of. This autobiography will take you on a heart-wrenching, and intense, emotional rollercoaster ride with unequivocal redemption. As a kid growing up in East Cleveland, William “Bill” Aden was surrounded by trauma and pain most kid will never endure or experience in their lifetime. He unapologetically shares in brutal honesty, his earliest memories to his days as a leader, and fatherhood.
IF I CAN—YOU CAN—opens with pure honesty, exacting dialogue, courage, and strength, which has proven for William, his ability to be vulnerable allowing for his portrayal and delving into the intimate details of his childhood. He has done so, to provide hope for today’s youth, world-wide, whom maybe struggling with mental health problems, ADD, ADHD, PTSD, addictions, setbacks, roadblocks, and many more things that may paralyze anyone. William “Bill” Aden is now a motivational speaker who will be mentoring at community events throughout the world, during his summer book release of 2024. There will be many stops and many locations within the United States and abroad while he shares his story of hope, encouragement and inspiration—spreading his clear message of never, ever giving up, searching within, and IF I CAN—YOU CAN on the airwaves. You will be able to catch a conversation with William Bill Aden on talk radio shows, and podcasts starting this May 2024. Bill Aden would like to stop in your community to make a difference where it matters most.

Co-Author of biography, "If I Can You Can," Bill Aden Sr.
If I Can You Can
By Co-Authors: Leon Walker & Bill Aden Sr.

Co-Authors of biography, "If I Can You Can," Leon Walker (left) and Bill Aden Sr. (right)
Co-Author of biography, "If I Can You Can," Bill Aden Sr.